Symbolism in Carrie
: In
On Writing
, Stephen King notes how blood had become a
symbol in
Carrie. It became to mean more than just "splatter." In beginning the second draft, King noticed that blood was prevalent in "all three crucial points of the story: the beginning (Carrie's paranoromal ability is apparently brought on by her first mentrual period, climax (the prank which sets Carrie off involves a bucket of pig's blood), and the end (Sue Snell, the girl who tries to help Carrie, discovers she is not pregnant as she had half-hoped and half-feared when she gets her own period)."
Still, King insists that he didn't start with the symbolism in mind. This doesn't work - as King says, "Only
story is about story." But it can be an important element in a writing. "It can serve as a focusing device for both you and your reader, helping to create a more unified and pleasing work."
Exercise: Are there any recurring elements in your story? If so, what symbolism could these elements hold?
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